

May 15

Truth at last

Everyone should know Mr Gildas Chabot, better known under the name of Jean Jules Cheminée, who represents a quarter of the global population from our school that lives in Scandinavia at the moment. Gildas is actually nice guy if you don’t mention a particular hobbies of his which consists in taking the ugliest possible pictures of me.

But enough of portrait. Let’s seek the pure factual truth. Above all, Gildas there is something that Gildas loves. Something that pushes him through life and pain. Something that brought him to Norway. Something without which Gildas wouldn’t be Gildas : The Ice Cream Sandwich.

And so buys Gildas this delicious Norwegian ice cream pack per pack, all day long of each week, every month, and so is it to be for the rest of his life.

Here is a scheme of what an ice cream sandwich looks like :

un ice cream sandwich

A wild ice cream sandwich

This was not of any interest nor even questionable until a huge controversy fell on the topic. Against all the holly evidences which would claim that the ice cream sandwich can only be found in there homeland, Norway, I was able to find some in Stockholm, capital of the rival nation of all times. But pics or it didn’t happen :

Corentin mange un icecream sandwich
Me, at work, with an ice cream sandwich

And yet is there horror and despair to come ! As devil is in the details, take a look at this almost invisible logo, hidden on the side of the package :

miko !!

And now and forever shall the horrific truth spread in this pointless world ! Liars and sinners walking into the torture of redemption, you will remain in history as those who paid the terrific price of betrayal ! The ice cream sandwich is the creature of Satan, represented by the multinational corporation of Miko ! And a few fools that don’t fear death or sorrow even pretend that the precious food were never a Norwegian invention, but a Swedish one ! Yes, my friends, misery crushes the skies ! A long time ago, way before the absorption of any living company by the giant Unilever, a small busyness called Glace Bolaget was struggling to death for the ice cream supremacy on Scandinavia, against Diplom-Is from Norway. And in 1972, a new kind of ice cream appeared in the catalog (see in the top right corner) :

GB Glace catalog from 1972

On top right corner, the proof that the ice cream sandwich was introduced in Sweeden in 1972


Sad story indeed. Let’s hope that the fight is just at its begins and that the lost honor of the Ice Cream Sandwich will rise again in a near future. There is hope, but tight hope …


  1. Aurélien
  2. Gildas

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